Enola gay smoke grenage

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If your using smoke grenades or other Enola Gaye Products in public places, you will need prior approval from the local authorities and emergency services. Buy Online Duration: 25 Seconds The EG25 emits a surprising amount of smoke over 25 seconds, far more than you would expect at first glance. If it is public land this will be the local authority. EG25 Wire Pull Smoke Grenade The EG25 is currently the smallest Enola Gaye smoke device, and it produces a surprising amount of smoke given its size.

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On private land this would be the land owner. There are obviously restrictions on where these can be used, Enola Gaye Smoke Grenades and other products can only be used in areas where you have permission to use them. Smoke Grenades and UK Law, are they Legal? Enola Gaye Smokes are safe to use, they require no specialist training to use, they're cool burn so there's no external flame and the casings get hot, but not too hot. Smoke Grenades when employed in a Paintball or Airsoft game add to the atmosphere, games are better with smoke grenades! Enola Gaye Smoke grenades are also used for film and photography, we've even seen smoke grenades used in Wedding photo-shoots, if you thought they make a paintball game more interesting!!!! Are Smoke Grenades Safe? The best quality Smoke Grenades or Smoke Bombs are manufactured by Enola Gaye.

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